Mike Stoke & Assoc. Pty Ltd

Brisbane, Australia

Mobile: +61 (405) 115-669

Email: mike@stokeconsulting.com


Track Record:  Business Performance Management

Mike Stoke has worked with several organisations to improve management of their performance. For example:

Manufacturer (1996)

(Construction Industry)

Advised the owners of this private firm on cashflow and financial performance issues, and established improved performance management processes.  The firm experienced an immediate and dramatic improvement in its performance.

Manufacturer (1996)

(Forestry Industry)

Reviewed operating performance of one site for this large manufacturer.  Advised on appropriate reporting of production performance, and assisted management develop and interpret appropriate performance indicators.  Introduced variance analysis and economic value measures.

Processor (1996)

(Waste Management Sector)

Reviewed and modeled plant operations for this organisation.  Designed an optimum layout for new plant.

Manufacturer (1995)

(Forestry Industry)

Member of a team that reviewed asset management practices and outcomes for this large organisation. Reviewed operating parameters and policies, recommended procedural changes and performance indicators that would improve asset management.

Utility (1994)

(Electricity Industry)

Reviewed decision-making at senior management and Board level, developed improved performance indicators, liaised with IT staff and prepared specifications for a performance information system.

Government Agency (1991)

(Central Government)

Led a staff team tasked with the development of a comprehensive performance reporting system for senior management and Board of this large organisation.  Advised users on interpretation and use of the new indicators.

Processor / Wholesaler (1991)

(Meat Industry)

Developed a model for projection of cash position.  Used model to improve control of activities affecting cash flow, demonstrated significant errors in existing reporting procedures, and modified existing management reporting accordingly.  Assisted implementation of a pilot standards-based costing process.

Manufacturer (1987)

(Food Industry)

Undertook a strategic review of operations to identify opportunities to improve profitability.  Investigated the economics of multi-plant operation, control systems and management, and merchandising and distribution systems.  Identified and estimated capital investment and operational requirements in order to prepare a business case for the proposals.
Various Undertook similar projects in the energy sector, centeal government, IT sector and manufacturing.

Copyright © Mike Stoke & Associates Pty Ltd 2005