Mike Stoke & Assoc. Pty Ltd

Brisbane, Australia

Mobile: +61 (405) 115-669

Email: mike@stokeconsulting.com


Track Record:  Funding and Acquisition Activity

Mike Stoke has done a great deal of work in relation to funding or acquisitions.  For example:

Assessment of New Business Venture (2004)

(Waste Management Sector)

Prepared an interactive model of the current business.  Developed the model further to include several scenarios revolving around the potential acquisition of substantial new business.  Used the model to evaluate the risks involved, prepared summaries for the Board and supporting material for the bid.

Manufacturer (2002-03)

(products principally for Seafood Industry)

Advised owner of large family business on exit strategy.  Researched market, developed growth strategies, developed model of the business and prepare a valuation.  Advised on short term strategies to increase market value, and assisted owner during negotiations with potential buyers.

Startup (2002)

(Entertainment / Telecommunications Sectors)

Assisted principal of this startup through first round funding.  Provided operational support through market development and initial supply of services.  Acted in advisory role for first year of operations.

Internet-based Service Provider (2001-02)

(Health Sector)

Assisted this innovative supplier of high value online services to the health sector through early funding rounds.

Wholesaler (2001)

(Construction Industry)

Assisted the owners of this supplier of a world-leading brand of products aimed at the global construction industry with exit strategy and supporting documentation.  Advised on measures intended to protect intellectual property.  Provided support during early negotiations with potential US-based purchasers.

Online Business-Business Trading Exchange (2000)

(Primary Sector)

Advised this industry-owned business on strategies to optimise value provided to the industry.  Valued the operation, identified potential strategic business partners and prepared Information Memoranda.  Advised the MD on negotiation strategies.

Research Institute (1999-2000)

(Primary Sector)

Identified and researched potential market for newly identified process.  Estimated the value-add for users of this process and therefore the royalty flows available.  Having proven viability, determined commercialisation strategy and identified potential business partners.

Manufacturer (1999)

(Wine Industry)

Asked to help sort out cash flow issues.  Improved this firm's terms of trade and cash management.  Followed by developing strategy, and identified significant value in previously unrecognised intellectual property.  Developed commercialisation strategy, valued opportunity and prepared Information Memoranda.

Software Company (1999)

(IT Industry)

Shareholders wished to exit this medium-sized software company.  Valued the firm based on current business expectations and offshore growth opportunities.  Prepared Information Memoranda and supported the sale process.
Various Similar work has been done in other sectors, including the retail sector, local government, manufacturing, education, the publising sector, etc

Copyright © Mike Stoke & Associates Pty Ltd 2005