Mike Stoke & Assoc. Pty Ltd

Brisbane, Australia

Mobile: +61 (405) 115-669

Email: mike@stokeconsulting.com


Track Record:  Sector Development / Institutional Restructuring

Mike Stoke has done a great deal of work intended to improve sector or institutional performance.  For example:

Tourism Industry (2002-03)

[Executive Summary in pdf format, 0.3MB]

[Full Report in pdf format, 1.5 MB]

A research project intended to identify e-business solutions that would benefit small and medium sized organisations in the New zealand tourism industry.

The principal conclusion of this study was that the industry should adopt the provision of real-time inventory management as a core strategy, and should utilise global standards for web services.

Waste Management (2000-01) Modelled waste management in the Wairarapa region of New Zealand to enable informed decision-making in relation to options available for the management of waste in the region (in association with leading resource management consultancy Good Earth Matters)

Impact of e-Commerce on Rural Sector (2000)

[Final Report in pdf format, 0.2MB]

Assessed the probable impact of e-Commerce on the rural sector to assist MAF determine the nature of support required by the sector.  Represented MAF on the Rural Sector Panel at the eCommerce Summit in 2000 (MED E-Commerce)

A principal finding was that rural business was at risk from market pressure to force down prices of primary sector commodities, but that the sector had an opportunity to differentiate and take positions in the high value end of the market.  Another finding was that broadband would be best provided to the rural community via satellite.

Seafood Industry (1998)

[Final Report in pdf format, 0.5MB]

Reviewed the effectiveness of innovation and knowledge transfer mechanisms between Crown Research Institutes and other research providers and the industry.

There were great stories to tell, but changes needed in science management policy to take account of informal networks within the industry.

Fruit Industry (1998)

[Report in pdf format, 0.7MB]

Produced a review of the fruit industry intended to attract investment into the industry.  Strategies were developed based on the industry's track record of successful innovation and its ability to position itself at the high value end of global fruit markets.

Electricity Industry (1996-97)

Reviewed options for the restructuring of Electricite du Laos (EdL) as part of an ADB team, and developed strategies and plans covering operational issues, power export, rural electrification, private sector participation, etc.  Developed a demand forecasting model for use by EdL.

Copyright © Mike Stoke & Associates Pty Ltd 2005