Mike Stoke & Assoc. Pty Ltd

Brisbane, Australia

Mobile: +61 (405) 115-669

Email: mike@stokeconsulting.com


Track Record:  Strategy Development (Business / Information / Technology)

Mike Stoke has done a variety of information and technology strategy work.  For example:

Manufacturer (2001)

(Clothing Industry)

Reviewed options for the upgrade of information technology.  Also advised on strategic options and opportunities using the internet.

District Health Board (1999)

(Health Sector)

Provided independent assesment of proposals to upgrade information systems, assessed the risks involved and advised on strategies to mitigate risk.

Publisher (1997-99)

(Tourism / IT Sectors)

Developed strategy for this publisher which resulted in a significant presence being developed on the internet.  Continued to act in an advisory role in relation to the implementation and growth of its internet-based business.  Reviewed potential acquisition targets, and caried out related tasks during the period.

Telecommunications Company (1995)

(IT Sector)

Worked with an internal business development group of this large company to determine preferred role and strategy in relation to the internet, e-Commerce, distance learning and related services.

Crown Research Institute (1994)

Led a team developing an information technology strategy which was expected to be a major element in a change programme.  Team identified new business opportunities and redesigned key work processes.

Regional Council (1993)

(Local Government)

Led a team developing a technology strategy focused on increasing the value provided to clients of the Council and on the delivery of operational performance improvements.  (One of several similar projects that we managed in the late 80's and early 90's in local government)

Utility (1992-93)

(Energy Sector)

Led a team reviewing information technology strategy for a prominent utility immediately prior to deregulation.  Identified innovative opportunities to derive competitive advantage.

Manufacturer / Wholesaler (1989)

(Chemical Industry)

Led a team reviewing information technology strategy aimed at determining how best to rationalise the trans-Tasman operations of this multi-national.
Various Variety of strategy development projects in several sectors, including central government, the oil industry, the meat industry, insurance industry, etc.

Copyright © Mike Stoke & Associates Pty Ltd 2005